Sunday, October 4, 2009

And the wings will rise again

Some broken feathers as a sign of struggle
Against the rigidity of an old rusted steel cage
A bird bleeds inside with implausible dreams
Watching the horizon’s line with hope and rage

Obstinacy of spirit against the fragility of life
Foolish it is to envisage even an ounce of sky
Why then this fight for? these bars will not yield
To its shrieks-the grit,not enough to make it fly

Between the duality of inches and infinities
Liberation it seeks through the narrow spaces
To a world atop the realms of fettered imagination
Where its span will transcend all walls and places

Because reality, a shapeless delusion of tomorrow
That changes its silhouettes through persistence
Can be cast into a beautiful crucible, as one wills
Or to some abandoned dust that has got no existence

These robust beliefs, are what it beholds tightly
Amid all the dejections and despair in this quest
For it knows despite all the conspiracies of time
It’s going to weave a path that will lead it to its crest

The stains, the impressions engraved upon the bars
Shall one day thrust the gates apart from the chains
Unbound freedom will spread throughout the air
In the embrace of which its wings will rise again

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